St. Andrews Lodge, number 4655

Under Charter From The United Grand Lodge of England

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St. Andrews Lodge, Steyning.
About the Lodge Number 4655 Diary Dates

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St. Andrews.

Meeting Address

The Steyning Centre.

Fletchers Croft, Steyning 

West Sussex.

BN44 3XZ


  St. Andrews Lodge 4655

Freemasonry Lodge, Consecrated 1924 within the Province of Sussex.

Under charter from the United Grand Lodge of England.

Based in the heart of of the South Downs in Sussex

St Andrew’s Lodge

1924 was a momentous year. Mahatma Gandhi was released from internment by the British Government and Ramsay MacDonald formed the first ever Labour Government in the UK.

Slightly less internationally recognised was the fact that St. Andrew’s Masonic Lodge was consecrated in Steyning and it’s first Master was Elihu Burritt Lane who was a local farmer. Indeed, St. Andrew’s Lodge was initially a “Farmers Lodge”. We have come a long way since then!

As we approach our centenary, our Lodge is a collection of men from all walks of life and all ages; we have members who are in their 20s and 90s. We meet on the third Thursday of every month from October to April in the Steyning Centre to do our Masonic work. Sometimes, we are initiating new members, sometimes “passing” them to their Second Degree, sometimes “raising” them from the Second to the Third Degree at which point they are Master Masons. In addition, once per year in January, we install a new Master which is a relief for the vacating Master and trepidacious for the incoming Master!

Following the ceremony, we have a Festive Board where the Brethren can gather together for a bit of fun in an informal atmosphere which allows friendships to be formed with other Lodge members and also the visitors who support us. In fact, the visitors are important part of what we do at St. Andrew’s. They come from far and wide. We have had visitors from Australia, Arundel and everything in between! The friendships we make are usually long lasting and go way beyond Freemasonry.

That takes us to the DNA of the Lodge. Visitors – many of whom come multiple times – tell us that the reason they want to come along is that what we do in the temple is usually of a good standard but at least as important is the friendliness of St. Andrew’s. They have lots of fun and are made to feel very welcome.

The Lodge supports local charities such as the Upper Beeding food bank, St. Barnabas Hospice, local British Legion, the local schools etc. as well as supporting Provincial and National charities.

There is also a feeling of collaboration within the membership. If someone needs some help with their ritual or life generally, there are people who will be very willing to help them. If someone stumbles during the ceremony, there is no problem. The Lodge is a group of people who are there to help the person get it right rather than criticise when they get it wrong. We all recognise that some people find it easier than others to learn the ritual; the important part is that you try. Lodge of Instruction is held a couple of times a month to help members practice what is going to happen at the meeting in an informal atmosphere.

Having said that, a basic tenet of Freemasonry is that family comes first, followed by job, followed by Freemasonry so if there is a challenge the family has to deal with then every Freemason would say – forget Freemasonry for the moment; deal with your family first.

Outside of the Lodge, there are informal social evenings. The Secret Curry Club (which is neither secret nor always a curry!) meets about every 4-6 weeks usually in a pub followed by dinner. They can include non-Masons, partners if they can stand it and members of other Lodges. We have visited Indian restaurants, Turkish restaurants, pubs and more. These meetings are great fun with no Masonic input. It’s about friendship. There is no obligation to attend but they are usually well attended.

In addition, we also have Lodge of Instruction dinners a couple of times a year. This is another opportunity for members to gather informally with partners and is a bit more formal than the Secret Curry Club but nothing too “heavy”. These are usually well attended events and are held in local hotels.

Our other social event, once a year is our Ladies’ Night. This is in recognition of the contribution that our Ladies make to ensure that our Masonic hobby is enjoyable, because, when we are learning our ritual, our noses are usually firmly in a book rather than our attention being focused on them or other family members!

Wednesday 22nd. January 2025 6:30 pm - The Charmandean Centre - Regular Junior Rehearsal

Monday 3rd. February 2025 GPC followed rehearsal 7:30 - Steyning

Monday 17th. February 2025 7:30 rehearsal - Steyning

Thursday 20th. February 2025 5:00 pm - Regular Meeting - Steyning

Wednesday 26th. February 2025 6:30 pm - The Charmandean Centre - Regular Junior Rehearsal

Monday 3rd. March 2025 GPC followed rehearsal 7:30 - Steyning

Monday 17th. March 2025 7:30 rehearsal - Steyning

Thursday 20th. March 2025 5:00 pm - Regular Meeting - Steyning

Wednesday 26st. March 2025 6:30 pm - The Charmandean Centre - Regular Junior Rehearsal

Monday 7st. April 2025 GPC followed rehearsal 7:30 - Steyning

Monday 14th. April 2025 7:30 rehearsal - Steyning

Thursday 17th. April 2025 5:00 pm - Regular Meeting - Steyning

Wednesday 23rd.. April 2025 6:30 pm - The Charmandean Centre - Regular Junior Rehearsal

***** for the Charmandean - The bar opens at 18.30 and fun starts about 19.00 *****

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